Ways to Help

Since 2013, Ujima has raised $40,300 and awarded 18 scholarships. Ujima needs your help! Please see the ways in which you may contribute to better health outcomes for African Americans.  You may donate funds now, or complete an Interest Indicator Form designating how youy’ds like to assist Ujima.  Ujima will reach out to you.  Scholarship and outreach and education funds are raised through several methods as follows:

How Can You Support Ujima Inc?

Since 2013, Ujima has raised $40,300 and awarded 18 scholarships. Scholarship and outreach and Education funds are raised through several methods as follows:

Corporate sponsorship/monetary donation/partnership: Ujima needs and would appreciate corporate donations and sponsors

Ujima Legacy Sponsorship: Individuals/families who contribute $1000 within the year are recognized “Legacy Sponsors.”

Ujima Pledge Club: Commitment to contribute designated amount at intervals on an ongoing basis.

Make tax-deductable monetary donation: Any monetary amount donated is welcomed and may be donated at any time.

Give through United way: Through employers doors may enroll in deduction(s) to Ujima.

Stay at Home Tea: Ujima will provide invitations (to have a cup of tea) for donors to send to friends, families and others soliciting donations to the scholarship fund. This is an easy way to host a tea party.

Dollars for Scholars: Collect small or large amounts of money form your friends, family and aquainatce.  Ujima will provide a collection jar this purpose.

Home-based fund raiser (House Party): Everybody loves a good party (e.g., card, game night, fish fry, wine-tasting, dancing, etc.)! When safe, host a gathering during which Ujima representatives will provide information and seek donations form attendees. 

Amazon Smile: Amazon will contribute to Ujima for each purchase you make.  Please register to contribute to Ujima with each purchase you make.

Attending Ujima Special Events: Occasionally Ujima hosts events and activities. Consider attendingone of our fun or educational events.


Please indicate your interest in assisting by completing the “Get Involved Form,” making a monetary donation via Pay Pal, or requesting more information about us.